Create a Financial Plan
We've all heard the saying: failure to plan is a plan for failure. If you are not actively setting a financial plan then you are already a step behind the curve.
So what should be in this Financial Plan. Let's walk through this together.
What are your financial Goals.
Take a couple of minutes and write down all of your financial goals. After you have written them down, I want you to put them in order and list out your top 3 goals. Here are some ideas of possible Financial Goals:
Buy a House
Save 6 months savings
Save up for a car
Save $20,000
Create an investment account
Create a budget
Stick to budget
Live below means
Increase savings
Save for college fund
Pay off Medical Bills
Pay of Credit Card Bills
Pay of Student loans
Track every dollar spent
Build up Retirement Account
Save up for a Moving Expenses
Reduce Spending
Open a Savings Bank Account
Become a millionaire
Save up in preparation for job search
Save up for home improvement
Stop Going Further in Debt
Get Passive Income
Increase credit score
Start a Side Job
Read Financial Planning and Budgeting Book
Listen to Financial Planning and Budget Book
Pay off Debt
Learn an income producing skill