The Cares of this World will Erode your Peace

The cares of the world and the love of worldly things will erode your peace.

Lust of the flesh

Lust of the eyes

Pride of life

Scripture: John 3

Nothing erodes your peace like chasing after something and then it just passes away.

Remember when you were a child and you just wanted a toy so bad, and you thought, if you just give me this, I will never ask for anything else. Where is that thing now?

Your peace is compromised when:

A. You are not at peace with what you have.

B. You seek external fulfillment. (When what you see becomes what you think you need to have peace).

C. You can't deny your flesh.

How to deal with this:

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  • Comparison is the thief of joy.

  • Don't scroll through social media glorifying someone for things they have and things you don't have.

  • Learn self-control

  • When you it takes that which you enjoy and makes you miserable. (Think about when you have eaten too much. Think about when you have too much stuff in your house and you think you might be a hoarder)
