Pay off your 30 Year Mortgage in 15 Years

This is the age old debate. Do you get a 30 year fixed mortgage or a fixed 15 year fixed mortgage. 

15 year mortgage PROS:

30 year mortgage PROS:

15 year mortgage CONS:

30 year mortgage CONS:

My issue with a 15 year mortgage is that you are stuck with that higher payment, with few options to pay less. For this reason, I like the option of getting a 30 year fixed mortgage with no pre-payment penalty, and paying extra on your principal every month to reduce your overall payments. This option works because you lock in a low monthly payment. Therefore, in tough financial times, you are only required to pay the lower 30 year rate, and in good financial tiems, you can pay extra to reduce years on your loan. 

The average 15 year mortgage rate in 2021 is around 2.5% and the average 30 year mortgage rate is around 3.0%. 

Now of course, mortgage rates depend on:

3 Scenarios

So lets run some numbers to see your cost difference. 

Let's say you are buying a $250,000 home and putting down 20% ($50,000) giving you a loan/mortgage amount of $200,000. (In this scenario, we are assuming a 20% down payment because anything less than 20% accrues an extra monthly fee called Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI.) (Also keep in mind that the numbers below do not include your monthly escrowed expenses for Property Taxes and Home Insurance).

Scenario A: 15 year fixed mortgage at 2.5% paid off in 15 years

Scenario B: 30 year fixed mortgage at 3% paid off in 30 years

Scenario C: 30 year fixed mortgage at 3% paid off in 15 years with no pre-payment penalty. 

(Other fees these examples don't include: loan origination charges, discount points paid, other settlement fees)

